



SmartForce is an evolving portfolio of digital services that solve the present and future needs of governmental customers through collaborative development of services based on data sharing and new technologies.

Launched in 2018, SmartForce is an aviation data platform offered by Airbus Defence Services. SmartForce builds on Skywise, which is Airbus’ data platform for commercial jetliners and HCare Connected Services. SmartForce was developed for military customers and enables them to unlock the power of big data analytics for improved operational readiness.

SmartForce provides data driven intelligence, based on data gathered by Airbus military aircrafts and helicopters. The aim is to provide and share data in a secure way, so customers can use them for improving their performance and for optimising processes.

SmartForce provides intelligence based on data gathered by Airbus military aircraft. It is a secure way to share information that improves performance and optimises processes, e.g. maintenance; decision making and predictive solutions that reduce workload and cost.

Understanding the relationship between Airbus Services and SmartForce

  • SmartForce exists within the Airbus ecosystem. Only if there is a defined business need that requires showing SmartForce as a standalone business can it appear as a separate brand.
  • SmartForce is an offer by Airbus Defence Services and HCare Services that collects data from Airbus-built, military aircraft.

Visual brand identity

How we look and feel

SmartForce visual identity look and feel

Graphic elements

Sender identification

SmartForce product designation and written text version

SmartForce is a service offer by the Airbus core brand, therefore the Airbus logo has to be applied on all communicative media like websites, movies, brochures, posters, trade fair material, etc. Please follow the Airbus main brand design principles for applications like this.

The SmartForce product designation never appears on this level. SmartForce will be communicated through written text (headlines or copy). It always appears like this: ‘SmartForce’, with a capital S at the beginning and F in the middle of the written name.

The SmartForce product designation may only be applied on a direct SmartForce product level like the platform’s interface or packagings. Here, it can be accompanied by the Airbus logo where appropriate.



Like the typography, the colours of SmartForce are linked to the parent brand guidelines.

The dark grey and the Airbus blue are the most commonly used colors. If both are used within one document, one of the two should be dominant.

The light orange and the light blue are most commonly used to highlight graphics and text.



SmartForce is a brand from Airbus, so it links to the parent organisation’s look and feel by using the same typography. The Airbus font is Inter Tight, it is the same for SmartForce.

SmartForce typography

Mission ready button

The button concentrates and organises all the information and data available in one simple button made of technology and intelligence. This symbol becomes a metaphor for your constant readiness and the enhanced power of your fleet. The mission ready button is an iconic graphic element of the SmartForce brand.


The button can be used on a dark grey or blue background. In each case it takes the shade of the background it is applied on.

When the button is OFF, the circle is in a light blue gradient. When it’s ON, the gradient is light orange.


Data pattern

To represent the data, a dotted pattern is created. It can be used on a coloured background or on an image. It is used in low (50% and below) opacity and in overlay mode.



To make the Airbus pictures ownable to SmartForce, they are stylized with a unique process.

Each image is converted to dark grey shades, with only the aircraft’s yellow elements remaining in their original colour. This colour can be enhanced to make it stand out.

The ‘data pattern’ design feature is also applied to the image.


Portfolio buttons

To elevate the value of the product portfolio, specific buttons have been created for them that use the brand’s gradient colours. This design gives them greater prestige than other SmartForce icons or pictograms. They exist as ON and OFF versions.



The SmartForce pictograms have a unique design simplicity.

The pictograms are different from those inside the portfolio buttons, here they are used in flat colours (no gradient) and have a bolder outline.

They can be used in white or light orange.



PowerPoint template


Airbus website banner


Product interface


