About these principles
These principles provide guidance on how and where to use the PZL brand.
- To protect and define the Airbus and PZL brands they should never appear together.
- Activities both under Airbus and the PZL brand are either Airbus or PZL branded (based on business context), but not in both ways.
- The PZL brand will be used and promoted exclusively in the Polish market.
- These principles apply with immediate effect for all PZL communications.
- The PZL brand must only be used by those authorised to do so.
Branding policy with regards to business activities

PZL brand elements
Only use the PZL logos shown below:
- PZL blue – recommended version
- PZL black
- PZL blue negative version
- PZL black negative version

For all print applications and wherever possible, the font “Inter Tight” should be used. Please focus on the fonts “Light”, “Regular”, “Medium” and “Bold”. For desktop applications, the Arial typeface should be applied.

Colour palette
Using the PZL colour palette will ensure a consistent visual identity across all materials.

Photography style
When choosing a photographic image, please consider the following characteristics:
Clear compositions, clearly defined perspectives, with stature, with ease, overall warm tonality, bright and light flooded, lively and dynamic, close to people and products, dramatic scenery, dynamic viewpoints, agility, hi-tech, natural lighting
PZL touch points
Business card
Separate business cards must be produced for each brand. Airbus and PZL must never appear together on the same card. DO NOT create double sided cards, with one brand per side.
Text elements, typeface, type sizes and spaces are the same for both options.

Letterhead and press release
Please note that for PZL stationery like letterheads and press releases, you can only use the PZL branded items shown here. The Airbus logo cannot appear together with the PZL logo on stationery.

PowerPoint template
Please note that for PZL PowerPoint templates you can only use the PZL branded version shown here. The Airbus logo cannot appear together with the PZL logo on a PowerPoint template.

Airbus touch points
Please note that the PZL brand can only be used on stationery, PowerPoint templates and print applications. It cannot be displayed on signage and way-finding applications. Only door signs, letterboxes and area entrances of shared sites can be PZL branded.
Legacy exhibits of historical value (e.g. PZL Wilga aircraft on PZL facilities) can keep the sub-branding.

The PZL branding cannot be displayed. However, PZL can be presented as a sub-brand of Airbus, but only with written indication on orientation signage and displays of sub-branded material at dedicated areas. It cannot be used on the booth itself.
