Airbus Leadership University

Airbus Leadership University in Toulouse


At the Leadership University, we abandon conventions to spark ideas that drive change. The university fosters creativity as a place where we can connect and our minds meet. We want to establish a new and effective leadership style based on the core principles of the university.

Here, we can improve our future by exploring new possibilities beyond what’s been accepted and established. We want to unite forward-looking people and add their energizing spirit to every solution, service or division – and thus improve our entire industry.

Our University. For what’s next.

Claim We are the Leadership University


Airbus Leadership University key visual


Versions, size and positioning

The descriptor is generally used in the single-lined version and should always be prefered.

Double-lined version
Only when space or technical issues do not allow the single-lined version, the double-lined version can be used.

The height of the descriptor aligns with the upper side of the Airbus "A" crossbar.

The minimum distance between logo and descriptor is “2A”. The maximum distance between logo and descriptor is “5A”. The descriptor sits on the same baseline as the logo.


Leadership University descriptor single-lined


Leadership University descriptor size


Leadership University descriptor double-lined


Leadership University descriptor size double-lined

Positioning the descriptor

Minimum distance between Airbus logo and single-lined descriptor


Minimum distance between Airbus logo and double-lined descriptor

Title block

Leadership University descriptor position in the title block


Leadership University descriptor position on brochures


Leadership University descriptor position on posters


Leadership University Highlights banner on pink background
Leadership University What's new banner on yellow background
Leadership University Information banner on blue background
Leadership University Save the date banner on orange background

Slides / PowerPoint

Leadership University PowerPoint title slide with key visual on black background
Leadership University PowerPoint title slide with key visual on white background
Leadership University PowerPoint example slide

Double-lined descriptor

Leadership University double-lined descriptor on smartphone screen and vertical banner