
Launched in 2017, Skywise is an aviation data platform developed through a collaboration between Airbus and Palantir Technologies. It is a part of our Airbus Services offer and is a key differentiator for Airbus – we are the only player in the industry that is able to connect and enable the complete digital aviation ecosystem.

Our aim is for Skywise to become the platform of reference used by all major aerospace players to improve their operational performance and business results, as well as to support their own digital transformation.

Skywise logo

What Skywise is

Throughout its manufacture and operational life, each aircraft produces a vast amount of data – typically recorded by on-board sensors and post-flight reports.

Historically, this data has been collected in siloes by a number of different parties involved throughout the product lifecycle. Because of this, rectifying equipment issues is often a lengthy process that can take weeks, or even months to resolve. Furthermore, aircraft owners and operators have not previously had the ability to easily assess the efficiency of flight operations.

Skywise allows stakeholders to collect all of this data onto a single platform, and applies analytics to help them to make better and more informed decisions that improve the engineering, maintenance, and flight operations of aircraft.

Typical applications include:

  • events tracking and resolution
  • turnaround time analysis
  • operations analytics
  • predictive maintenance
  • reliability analysis and benchmarking, and
  • maintenance decision support.

The main benefit for users is through facilitating enhanced decision making, which results in efficiency savings and revenue opportunities. This is achieved by reducing operational disruption, burning less fuel, operating more efficiently, reducing workload and leaving room for third-party services (mostly in maintenance).

Skywise can be used throughout the entire aviation supply chain:

1. Aircraft equipment suppliers

Skywise can be used by suppliers to help them assess performance of products over their life-cycle and improve the next generation of equipment.

2. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)

The platform was originally developed and used by Airbus to improve internal processes and aircraft assembly. Skywise allows OEMs to deliver enhanced aircraft designs, as well as better service offerings.

3. Operators and owners

Skywise can be used by owners and operators of commercial aircraft (airlines), helicopters, military aircraft and equipment to improve operational efficiency.

Airbus – Skywise relationship

Skywise is a product offered by Airbus Services.

It is not a service that is specific to the commercial aircraft sector, and it can be offered throughout the business, wherever this makes sense from a technical standpoint.

Skywise exists within the Airbus brand ecosystem. Only if there is a defined business need that requires showing Skywise as a standalone business, it can appear as a separate brand.

Skywise within the Airbus brand ecosystem chart

Skywise within Airbus context

How to apply the Skywise visual identity in an Airbus context:

Integration: Always present Skywise in an Airbus context. Specific Skywise visuals are used, but Airbus still shows clear ownership. Inside an Airbus context, Skywise should only be referred to in a written manner in standard Airbus font (Inter Tight) and not with the logo as shown below:

Skywise within Airbus context layout example do

Do not communicate Skywise as a standalone brand as it is not a company but a product brand. Reference Skywise as part of the Airbus ecosystem whenever possible.

Skywise within Airbus context layout example don't


Skywise webpage
Skywise video thumbnail on YouTube
Skywise PowerPoint title slide
Skywise video outro
Skywise business card
HCare brochure with Skywise article
Airbus Services Portfolio brochure with Skywise article
Skywise exhibition stand
Skywise Campus building
Skywise buildings

Graphic elements


1. Logotype on background

The logotype is mainly used in white color with the dot in pink on a dark blue background. If the logo appears on a white or light background, the typography must be dark blue and the dot must be pink.

The white version remains the main version and should be used as a priority. The alternative version can only be used if the support on which the logotype appears makes the reading difficult.

2. Clear space and minimum size

The logotype is one of the most important elements of the brand’s expression. That is why it is so important to use it properly. To do so, please observe the clear space. In order to preserve the readability of the logotype, its minimum size must not be less than 12 mm or 120 px.

Skywise logo variants, exclusion zone and minimum size


Similarly to the typography, the colours of the Skywise brand come from the graphical guidelines of the master brand, with the exception of dark blue which is a densification of the Airbus blue.

Skywise colour palette

Brand signature

The brand signature asserts the commitment of the product. It guides its development and ambitions. In order to be perfectly integrated into the Airbus brand universe, the signature will always be written in Inter Tight Light, line spacing 13 pt (for lettering at 12 pt), letter spacing 0 – its colour is identical to the logotype typography.

Combination with the logotype In order to assert a global brand expression, the signature can be associated with the logotype in the ways indicated below.

Skywise brand signature The beating heart of aviation

Skywise visual

The Skywise visual is composed of two components that reflect the Skywise activity:

The data

Skywise is built of all the data it gathers. The representation of data uses simple geometric shapes, which are set in motion to express the flow of exchange and diffusion between the core brand and Airbus applications and products.

The heart

The heart of Skywise is the central point where all data come together, combine with human intelligence and transform into a steady flow of insights for the whole Airbus ecosystem.

The heart is always composed of a pink center of variable size according to the beat, and a combination of three shapes of variable data on the internal and external form.

Skywise visual overview
Skywise visual in motion
