Potential situations where co-branding with external partners can appear include joint ventures and partnerships where: Airbus is the lead partner, an equal partner or the minor partner.
Different partnership scenarios lead naturally to different emphasis when describing the relationship as well as branding is applied:
Airbus is the lead partner: Airbus brand leads communications. Partners need to align to our branding criteria.
Airbus is an equal partner: We can't predefine who leads but we can establish the right criteria to con-sider.
Note: In certain 50:50 partnerships, one brand may take the brand lead for commercial reasons.
For example, one brand may be better placed to attract target customers or they may be more willing to invest in marketing the venture.
In this case branding will follow the branding rules of the designated partner.
Airbus is the minor partner: Our partner leads communications. We need to align to the branding criteria set by our partners.

In all cases the permission to use the Airbus name or one of its trademarks may only be given by the respective Business Unit’s communications department.
The application must be submitted to the responsible communications department for approval prior to publication.
The right to usage may not be passed on to successor organisations or subcontractors.
Airbus as the leading partner
When Airbus plays the lead role in a partnership, then we lead all communications and the partner brand must follow the branding guidelines and use the assets set by the Airbus brand.
Logo sizes: As a guide the Airbus/partner logo proportions should be 60:40.
Logo alignment: The partner logo(s) should be aligned through the centre of the Airbus logo and placed at the minimum distance shown.

Partner relationship
It is always a good idea to describe the nature of the relationship with our partners.
A partner designation can be used to describe the relationship in more detail e.g. ‘In partnership with’; ‘Exclusively with’; ‘A joint initiative of’, ‘In cooperation with’.
The designation line should be typeset in Inter Tight Regular in sentence case. The x-height of the letters should be equal to 1/4 of the height of the ‘A’ in Airbus.
The space between the descriptor line and the partner logo should be equal to the height of the ‘A’ in Airbus. It should be left aligned to the edge of the partner logo.

Airbus as equal partner
The formal arrangement of logotypes of the participating companies/brands follows a simple organisational principle.
This option does not provide the Airbus descriptors (Helicopters or Defence and Space) as brand assets – they can appear as text-only mentions.
Horizontal arrangement: The preferred position of the Airbus logo is to the left of the partner logo(s) and horizontally aligned. A space equal to the width of two ‘A’s should be left between each logo as shown in the diagram.
Vertical arrangement: If space is limited then a vertical alignment of logos is allowed with the Airbus logo positioned above. A space equal to the height of one ‘A’ should be left between each logo as shown in the diagram.
Logo proportions: The partner logos should be optically balanced to give each logo equal importance.
Logo positioning: The partner logos should be aligned through the centre Airbus logo.

Airbus as minor partner
When Airbus plays a minor role in a partnership then the partner leads communications and the Airbus brand must follow the criteria set by the partner brand.
This option does not provide the Airbus descriptors (Helicopters or Defence and Space) as brand assets.
Partner designation
A partnership designation line should be used to describe Airbus’ relationship and involvment in more detail e.g. ‘In partnership with’; ‘Exclusively with’; ‘A joint initiative of’, ‘In cooperation with’.
Ideally the partner designation should be typeset in Inter Tight Regular in upper and lower case. The x-height of the letters should be equal to 1/4 of the height of the ‘A’ in Airbus.
The space between the partner designation and the Airbus logo should be equal to the height of the ‘A’ in Airbus. It should be left aligned to the Airbus logo.

Airbus as multiple partner
In the case of a partnership amongst other brands the Airbus name or logo can be used as part of a neutral reference.
As a basic rule, only prestigious business partners with sustainable, positive reputations are permitted to do so. Business partners who only seek to profit of the notoriety of the Airbus brand to leverage their own reputation are to be avoided.
Subcontractors are only allowed to take Airbus in their reference list when they are directly contracted by Airbus (first tier supplier) and if the nature of their business contributes to the development or production of Airbus products.
The size of the Airbus logo will depend upon how many other partners are included and will be proportional to the other logos of those who have an equal stake.
In multiple partner brand scenarios we follow the criteria set by the lead or reference brand.
This option does not provide the Airbus descriptors (Helicopters or Defence and Space) as brand assets.

Seal of approval
Suppliers, resellers and distributors who work with Airbus and need/want to authentificate or qualify their association must use one of the approved signets pictured here on the left.
Use of a signet is only allowed if prior written permission has been received from Airbus.
The signets are supplied as artwork and must not be altered in any way.
The signet can also be used for merchandise products with the wording “Official licensed Product” applied on label tags.

Label tag for merchandise

Legal information
In case of a co-branding, the use of the Airbus name requires an authorisation/licence.
From a brand but also legal view (unfair competition law, advertising law) any statements shall be clear, correct and not misleading for the public.